
Languages in Montreal

French and English are the two most common Languages in Montreal. French is the official language of the entire province of Québec, including Montreal. Most businesses in Montreal use French as their first language, however English is widely understood throughout, especially in the downtown area.

French and English in Montreal

French and English are the two most common Languages in Montreal. French is the official language of the entire province of Québec, including Montreal. Most businesses in Montreal use French as their first language, however English is widely understood throughout, especially in the downtown area.

Common French Terms

Considering that French is the most common of all the languages in Montreal, the following list contains the common French terms that are quite useful for anybody visiting Montreal.

English French Pronunciation
Yes Oui Weeh
No Non Nonh
Please S’il vous plait Seal-voo-plate
Thank You Merci Mer-see
You’re welcome Bienvenue Bee-en-vuh-nu
Good day Bonjour Bon-joor
Good night Bonsoir Bon-swarr
Good bye Bye bye
Do you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais? Par-lez vooz ong-lay
I don’t speak french` Je ne parle pas Francais Je nuh parl pa fran-say
I don’t understand Je ne comprends pas Je nuh com-pron-pa
How much ..? Combien..? Comb-bee-en
Where is ..? Ou est..? Ooh eh?
Subway Metro Metro


  1. Pingback: Summer in Montreal | Montreal Tourist Guide

  2. Pingback: Saint Laurent Boulevard (Boulevard St-Laurent) | Montreal Visitors Guide

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